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Members of the Society are volunteers who unselfishly invest their time and effort to help abandoned, sick and injured animals. We do not enjoy any financial benefit, but we have something much better. It is the love of the animals we helped as well as the satisfaction and the feeling that we have done something good not only for animals, but also for our community.


Some people do not realize what we are talking about here and why we are doing all these things, but that is why we have our volunteers that work on educating children and youth. It is only through education that we can raise awareness of our fellow citizens and explain to them that animals are part of our community, nature and our lives and how to live with them.


Our volunteers work to the best of their knowledge, skills and possibilities and the work they do includes:


  • taking care of dogs being temporarily sheltered (making sure they are well-nourished, cleaning the boxes, …),

  • catching injured and sick animals and transporting them to the vet,

  • working on presentations and lectures, making public appearances,

  • providing shelter and gathering voluntary contributions of money,

  • building houses and boxes for animals.


Volunteers themselves decide on how much they can help and all we do is in agreement with each other.


Therefore, if your heart is “filled with paws” as ours are, feel free to join in and help us.


​​Want to help? Join our volunteers!

​Enter your data and join this amazing team, help the abandoned animals.


Thanks for your message.

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